Fooder is your private digital kitchen notebook, built for serious homecooks.
- add recipes by filling in a few form fields
- emphasis on text-rich interfaces
- easy update and annotation functionality
- use search and tags for quick access
- desktop, tablet and mobile friendly
- no followers or likes or other social media stuff
Check out the example public recipe to get a taste what Fooder can do.
For more information, consult the documentation and see the screenshot below.
Is Fooder for me?
Fooder is built for people that like a no frills interface, don't care too much for features like rich text editing, images, sharing with the world, or turning a recipe into a diary entry. I believe that for a recipe to be useful you need to personalise it and make it your own. Adjust to your stove/oven settings, pan sizes, appetite, taste, local measurements, availablitly of produce etc.
To get a taste (sorry...) for how I use Fooder, check this part of the docs.
Fooder is not about discovering new recipes (the internet is a big place!) but about building and curating a personal repository of recipes.
Fooder accounts are free for now and once created will remain free forever. If you like fooder and you would like to support the development, you can consider buying me a coffee
Fooder is quite ugly/barebones/lacking many features other recipe apps have. Plans to add them?
Fooder got started as the digital replacement of a paper notebook and I kinda like to stay close to this idea for now.
So, probably not. That doesn't mean I won't be actively building and improving Fooder but I don't aim at feature parity. Suggestions and requests can be mailed to
How about privacy and data?
I don't like to have any more data about you than strictly necessary. I store your email address for authentication purposes and your recipes to show them back to you. That's it. I won't share these ever unless you explicitly ask me to.
Your data remains your data and you can take it with you anytime you want, see the docs
Other cool stuff?
Thanks for asking, I also built 99avatars, avatars for humans and computers.
How can I contact you?
Please mail to and I'll reply as soon as possible.